Our mission:  to make vidoe as simple as possible. Trust us, it doesn’t have to be difficult. All you need is a good plan and your smartphone.

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I am the founder of the Video Smart Academy and help companies with efficiently making and implementing social videos. Every day, you can find me in front of and behind a camera, making video strategy plans and sharing my knowledge through training, speaking, ecourses, and coaching. I work with big international companies and local freelancers.


I’m a former TV presenter and producer for national American television, a podcast host, and an online marketing specialist. My varied career has made me a versatile "one-woman band" in the video production and marketing industry.

These experiences taught me to be self reliant and manage everything from strategy to shooting, presenting, editing, and promoting content.

In 2015, I received a phonecall: “Would you like to teach us how you make your videos?” It was a Dutch company. I said yes, and haven’t stopped training companies since then. I specialize in smartphone video, and I’m a firm believer in passing knowledge and know-how so people can do it on their own. I’ve literally trained thousands of professionals to make better, faster, more impactful videos. My mission is complete when I leave a person or team fully equipped and excited to start their own video productions.


My mission is to get as many people possible equipped and excited to make impactful videos.

Through online courses, writing books and building the Video Smart community I able to reach this goal. Let's make impact together!

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